Hi — I love building software that solve people's problems and gives them a sense of empowerment when they use them.

I’m currently working at Blobr where I help E-commerce Marketing teams to leverage AI and data from their tools to drive business growth.

My design philosophy is characterized by its simplicity and a modernist sensibility. I’m used to working in fast-paced environments and collaborating with interdisciplinary teams.

Feel free to connect or say hello, I'm always keen to meet new people.

Paris, France (UTC+1)

Blobr AI / App / Product Design

Sidebar component for desktop navigation.

Blobr AI / App / Product Design

Text input component for asking questions.

Blobr AI / App / Product Design

View of a user on a chat page reading insights after asking a question.

Blobr AI / App / Product Design

Message loader with dynamic display of sentences in a friendly tone if the answer takes more than 5s.

Blobr AI / App / Product Design

Message actions component with an icon button hovered.